Is the basic reaction type of SiO2 + 2C = Si + 2CO reduction reaction or displacement reaction

Is the basic reaction type of SiO2 + 2C = Si + 2CO reduction reaction or displacement reaction

The basic reaction type of SiO2 + 2C = Si + 2CO is displacement reaction;
Reduction reaction is not a basic reaction type reaction, and oxidation reaction is not a basic reaction type reaction
The basic reaction types only include decomposition reaction, combination reaction, displacement reaction and metathesis reaction

The difference between the two equations SiO2 + 2C = = (high temperature) Si + 2CO and SiO2 + 3C = = (high temperature) sic + 2CO

The second equation is that silicon is reduced to SiC due to excess C. It can be understood as SiO2 + 2C = = Si + 2CO and then Si + C = = SiC

Is the reaction between C and SiO2 because C is more reductive than Si at high temperature
What is the reason that C can react with SiO2 at high temperature

1) The oxidizability and reducibility of elements are not only related to the types of elements, but also to the valence of elements
2) As far as elemental matter is concerned, Si is more reductive than C, so the reaction between Si and C produces SiC (commonly known as "Emery")
3) The Si in SiO2 is positive 4 valence, and the higher the valence state of the element is, the stronger its oxidizability is. Therefore, the oxidizability of + 4 valence Si is stronger than that of 0 valence C, which is the fundamental reason that SiO2 can oxidize C at high temperature

Pursuit problem and encounter problem
Grade five of primary school

Encounter: (speed a + speed b) * time = distance
Catch up: (a speed - B speed) * time = distance

Time to catch up = distance to catch up / speed difference time to meet = distance to meet / speed and please let me know
Catch up time = catch up distance / speed difference
Encounter time = encounter distance / speed and
Excuse me, please tell me the next, what is to catch up with the distance and meet the distance, specific

Generally speaking, the distance between the pursuer and the chased is the initial distance in the same direction
Encounter, generally refers to driving in opposite directions, the sum of the distance between the pursuer and the chased is the distance of encounter

A and B start from a and B at the same time and face each other. They meet at 54km away from B. when they arrive at each other's starting place, they immediately return to their original place. On the way, they meet at 42km away from A. find the distance between the two meeting places

Find the distance between the two places: 54 × 3-42 = 162-42 = 120 (km); the distance between the two places: 120-54-42 = 24 (km); answer: the distance between the two places is 24 km

When the train runs at a constant speed of V1, the driver finds that there is another train moving at a constant speed of V2 (to the ground, and V1 > V2) in the same direction at a distance of s on the same track ahead. The driver immediately brakes with the acceleration A. what conditions should a meet to make the two trains not collide?

When the speed of two cars is equal, the time t = V1 − V2a. At this time, the displacement of the train behind X1 = V12 − v222a. The displacement of the train in front x2 = v2t = V2 (V1 − V2) A. if the collision happens to have: X1 = S + X2, substituting into the solution, a = (V1 − V2) 22s is obtained

The equation of mathematics problem about meeting problem
The distance between city a and city B is 340 kilometers. A car drives from city a to city B at 55 kilometers per hour. An hour later, a CMB drives from city B to city a at 44 kilometers per hour. How many hours later does the car meet CMB?

Set up a car to meet with the minibus after X hours
X = 128 / 33 hours

Make a math problem with given equation (encounter problem)

The distance between a and B is 55 km. The express train and the local train start from the two places at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet in 2.5 hours. It is known that the express train travels 2 km more per hour than the local train, and how many kilometers does the local train travel per hour?

One variable one time problem (encounter problem)
If someone walks 4 kilometers per hour from a to B, and arrives at the scheduled time, he will walk half of the whole journey at this speed, and then take a car 20 kilometers per hour for the rest of the journey. As a result, he will arrive 27 minutes earlier than the scheduled time

Let a B distance be X