What are the common methods in physics? It's better to have a brief introduction

What are the common methods in physics? It's better to have a brief introduction

Extreme value method, value method and substitution method

The significance of several physical research methods in the development of Physics

Physics is an ancient and vigorous discipline that studies the most general laws of matter motion and the basic structure of matter. The research methods of physics follow the human's understanding of the objective world, and have their own characteristics compared with other disciplines

This method is often used in the study of physics. Please give an example

Electric current can be seen as water flow, which is easy to understand

Several common scientific thinking methods in Physics

How to improve the students' scientific quality, promote the transformation of knowledge to ability, and improve the efficiency and quality of classroom teaching is an important topic for every teacher and student. In physics teaching, we should not only pay attention to the teaching of basic knowledge and basic laws, but also strengthen the teaching of

Explain why
In the following phenomena, what belongs to the straight line propagation of light is
A hand shadow
Reflection of arch bridge B in water
C light in the woods
D chopsticks in the water
Explain why

Shadow formation, keyhole imaging, is light along a straight line
Reflection in water is the reflection of light, the same as plane mirror imaging
The light in the woods is the diffuse reflection of the dust in the air
The chopsticks in the water are tilted upward, which is the refraction of light
There is, of course, only one answer to a single choice question
There will be more than one multiple-choice question
Ha ha, come on!

The study of phenomena in physics is a science based on () ()
Physics studies the phenomena of force, heat, sound and photoelectricity. It is a science based on () ()

Observation experiment

What is the research method of presenting invisible changes by visible phenomena?
When exploring the resistance and cross-sectional area, close the switch, record the current representation, analyze and compare the resistance of the two wires. What is the research method of presenting the invisible change by the visible phenomenon?

It's not easy to recognize some invisible and intangible physical phenomena by conversion method directly. We often recognize them indirectly according to their visible and tangible phenomena. For example, we recognize the current according to the thermal effect of the current, and recognize the magnetic field according to the powerful effect of the magnetic field on the magnet

It is the foundation of physics research

Experiment and theory are the basis of physics research

What is the total amount of rehydration in the first 24 hours for burn patients
A 25-year-old male, weighing 60 kg, suffered from a second degree burn of both upper limbs in front of and behind the trunk. What is the total amount of rehydration in the first 24 hours? Thank you

Burn area%: both upper limbs 18 + trunk 27 = 45%, the first 24h rehydration volume is equal to body weight (kg) times burn area (%) times 1.5ml, plus daily physiological water demand 2000ml, which is the total amount of rehydration. 60 * 45 * 1.5ml = 4050ml + 2000ml = 6050ml. Adult burn area: both upper limbs 9 * 2 = 18 (5 pairs of hands

A 70 kg burn patient with a 2-degree burn area of 30% was asked for fluid replacement in the first 24 hours

The formula of fluid resuscitation in the first 24 hours after burn is: volume of fluid resuscitation in the first 24 hours after burn (ML) = area (%) × body weight (kg) × 1.5 (colloid and electrolyte) + 2000 (basic water)