Among the commonly used burn rehydration formulas in China, the correct one is as follows: A. Whole blood is the first choice for colloid solution B. The area was calculated as the sum of the burn areas of degree I, II and III C. The basic constant is 2500ml D. One third of the total liquid should be input in the first 8 hours E. The ratio of colloid to crystal is 1:1

Among the commonly used burn rehydration formulas in China, the correct one is as follows: A. Whole blood is the first choice for colloid solution B. The area was calculated as the sum of the burn areas of degree I, II and III C. The basic constant is 2500ml D. One third of the total liquid should be input in the first 8 hours E. The ratio of colloid to crystal is 1:1

According to the textbook of people's Health Publishing House, there are several explanations as follows
The first choice for colloid solution is plasma of the same type, or whole blood or plasma substitutes
2. For less than 1% burn area (second degree and third degree), 1.5ml of colloid and electrolyte should be added per kg body weight
3. Add daily physiological water requirement of 2000ml
D the answer is right
4. When the ratio of colloid to electrolyte is 0.5:1, the ratio of toxic burn can be changed to 0.75:0.75

Calculation of fluid replacement volume for burn patients

Rehydration for burn: the amount of rehydration in the first 24 hours after burn:
First look at the patient's gender, age and weight, judge the rehydration coefficient in mind (adult 1.5, children 2.0), then calculate the burn area, and finally add the daily basic requirement: adult 2000ml, children 60-80 / kg
That is: adult rehydration 1.5 * body weight kg * burn area + 2000ml
Children rehydration 2.0 * body weight kg * burn area + (60-80) * body weight kg
According to the degree of burn, the ratio of crystal to colloid is 1:1 or 1:2. In the first 8 hours after burn, half of the total amount of the above-mentioned liquid should be rapidly replenished; in the last 16 hours, the other half of the total amount should be replenished
The amount of rehydration in the second 24 hours after burn: the basic requirement remained unchanged, and the additional requirement was half of that in the first 24 hours
The above is for reference only!

What is the burn rehydration formula?

The formula of colloidal solution and electrolyte solution rehydration (i.e. colloidal crystal formula) is the most commonly used rehydration formula at home and abroad. 1

What is the formula for the side area

Area of cylinder side = perimeter of bottom surface x height

Lattice area formula
Let the length between two points be 1, and each vertex of a closed graph is on a point. How to find the area of the graph?

Pick's formula: area of grid polygon = number of grids around the polygon △ 2 + number of grids inside the polygon-1

Find the area and the formula

Trapezoid area - blank area (triangle area) = shadow area

Polygon area formula
Given the coordinates of each vertex of the polygon, calculate the area

The calculation formula of inner angle of regular polygon has nothing to do with radius
Let's know that the number of sides of a regular polygon is n, the sum of interior angles = 180 (n-2)
The radius is r
The area formula of inscribed triangle of circle: (3 times root sign 3) divide by 4 and multiply by R square
Area formula of circumscribed triangle: 3 times root sign 3 R square
Circumscribed Square: 4R square
Inscribed Square: 2R square
More than pentagons are divided into equilateral triangles
Inner angle sum formula - (n-2) * 180`
We all know that the area formula of a (x1, Y1), B (X2, Y2) and C (X3, Y3) is
|x1 x2 x3|
S(A,B,C) = |y1 y2 y3| * 0.5 = [(x1-x3)*(y2-y3) - (x2-x3)*(y1-y3)]*0.5
|1 1 1 |
(when three points are counterclockwise, they are positive and clockwise, they are negative)
For polygons a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, a1a2a3, A1
= abs(S(P,A1,A2) + S(P,A2,A3)+、、、+S(P,An,A1))
P is an arbitrary point. When (0,0) is used, it is as follows:
Set point order (x1 Y1) (x2 Y2)... (xn yn)
Then the area is equal to
|x1 y1| |x2 y2| |xn yn|
0.5 * abs( | | + | | + .+ | | )
|x2 y2| |x3 y3| |x1 y1|
|x1 y1|
| |=x1*y2-y1*x2
|x2 y2|
Therefore, the area formula is expanded as follows:
|x1 y1| |x2 y2| |xn yn|
0.5 * abs( | | + | | + .+ | | )=0.5*abs(x1*y2-y1*x2+x2*y3-y2*x3+...+xn*y1-yn*x1)
|x2 y2| |x3 y3| |x1 y1|

The formula of polygon area

First, the polygon is transformed into a triangle, and then each area is calculated, and the results are added up

1、 "We love teachers × 4 = teachers love me", in which the same words represent the same numbers. What are these numbers?
2、 Calculation of 199999 + 19999 + 1999 + 199 + 19 =?
3、 Put six numbers of 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 and 120 on the three sides of an equilateral triangle, with three numbers on each side. The product of the three numbers on each side should be the same
4、 Two people fishing, a total of 51 fish, a fish is twice as much as B, two people each catch how many fish?
5、 A number divided by 4, multiplied by 5, minus 35, plus 10 equals 100. What's the number?
6、 5X4 △ 56, X58 △ 32 (where x is what? The demand quotient is smaller than 10), 8x5 △ 41, X20 △ 16 (where x is what? The end of the demand quotient is 0)
7、 "Think + try = try and see". What are the numbers of "think, try and see"?
8、 From 401 to 499, is sum odd or even?
9、 There is a column of numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 Starting from the third number, each number is the sum of the first two numbers. Is the hundredth number odd or even?

1. I = 2, we = 1, love = 9, old = 7, teacher = 8
2. The original formula = (200000-1) + (20000-1) + (2000-1) + (200-1) + (20-1) = 222215
3. Line 1 20, line 2 120, 60, line 3 40, 30, 80
4. A 34, B 17
five point one zero zero
8. Even number
9. Odd number

1. There are 14 cases of apples in the store. After 230 kg of apples are sold, there are still 4 cases of apples more than 20 kg. How many grams of apples are there in each case?
2. Lingling is 12 years old this year. When her father's age is five times that of her daughter, what's the sum of their ages?
Oh, dad is 40 years old and forgot to fight

Fourth grade, haven't you studied algebra yet?
(1) (230 + 20) divided by (14-4) = 25
The second question is the lack of conditions? Strange!