Does inelastic collision satisfy momentum conservation

Does inelastic collision satisfy momentum conservation

Inelastic collision is called inelastic collision if it is caused by inelastic force, part of the mechanical energy is transformed into the internal energy of the object, and the mechanical energy is lost. In this kind of collision, the momentum of the system is conserved

On the momentum conservation formula
There is a formula (1) Mu + MV = MX + my (2) Muu / 2 + MVV / 2 = mxx / 2 + Myy / 2. According to (1) (2), U-V = Y-X can be deduced. How can this be deduced?

The first formula shifts to m (u-x) = m (Y-V)
The second formula changes to 0.5m (u ^ 2-x ^ 2) = 0.5m (y ^ 2-V ^ 2)
Divide the left and right sides of the second formula by the left and right sides of the first formula to get:
You can get: U-V = y-x

The derivation of physical Acceleration Formula in grade one of senior high school
A formula of acceleration: how is a = GSIN θ + μ GCOS θ derived?

A = f / m, f = mgsin θ (the downward component of gravity) + F (friction)