How to divide 7 out of 8 and 9 out of 10

How to divide 7 out of 8 and 9 out of 10

The numerator denominator of 7 / 8 is multiplied by 5 at the same time, and the numerator denominator of 9 / 10 is multiplied by 4 at the same time

How to divide 7 out of 15 and 2 out of 9?

7 out of 15 = 63 out of 135
2 out of 9 = 30 out of 135
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How to divide 7 / 30, 9 / 10 and 11 / 15?

7/30= 7 /30

What is the total score of 11 out of 39 and 15 out of 26
