The complete square formula of the first year of junior high school: 2010 - # 178; - 2009 - # 178; + +4²-3²+2²-1²

The complete square formula of the first year of junior high school: 2010 - # 178; - 2009 - # 178; + +4²-3²+2²-1²

2010²-2009²+… +4²-3²+2²-1²=(2010-2009)(2010+2009)+(2008-2007)(2008+2007)+...+(2-1)(2+1)=2010+2009+...+2+1=(2010+1)*2010/2=2021055

Looking for 100 questions of fraction calculation
You want fractions or decimals,

1. 3/7 × 49/9 - 4/3 2. 8/9 × 15/36 + 1/27 3. 12× 5/6 – 2/9 ×3 4. 8× 5/4 + 1/4 5. 6÷ 3/8 – 3/8 ÷6 6. 4/7 × 5/9 + 3/7 × 5/9 7. 5/2 -( 3/2 + 4/5 ) 8. 7/8 + ( 1/8 + 1/9 ) 9. 9 × 5/...

Ask the master to help me solve these score calculation problems (take off) thank you

1. Original formula = 55 × 1 / 33-55 × 1 / 44 = 1,2 / 3-1,1 / 4 = 2 / 3-1 / 4 = 5 / 122, original formula = (90 + 1) × 7 / 90 = 90 × 7 / 90 + 1 × 7 / 90 = 70,7 / 903, original formula = 2003 / 2004 × (2004 + 1)

To solve 100 off form calculation problems

Elementary school drop out problem`
It's better to use a simple algorithm`
1.17 divided by 51 + (1 / 68 + 2 / 51) * 17
17 divided by 51 + (1 / 68 + 2 / 51) and multiplied by 17
2.71/5 divided by 125 divided by 8
7 and 1 / 5 divided by 125 and then divided by 8

17 divided by 51 + (1 / 68 + 2 / 51) * 17
7 and 1 / 5 divided by 125 and then divided by 8

Find a few simple calculation problems in grade six of primary school
1 2 2
3 5 3
999 8 / 9 + 99 8 / 9 + 9 8 / 9 + 1 / 3=
1 / 4 and 2 / 17 + 29 and 2 / 17=
0.1+0.3+0.5+…… +0.9+0.11+…… +0.97+0.99=

What is it? I can't understand it at all! It's more profound than high school!
Can you write it more clearly?!
35 and 3 / 4 △ 9 = 143 / 36
4 + 2 5 / 2 × 4 3 / 2-240% = 24
Now, give me the score!

Off form calculation and the format of practical questions
Off formula calculation: when calculating, do you want to write "solution formula =..." in front ?
Do you want to write a word "Jie" before writing?

It is not necessary to write the solution, but generally it is not written horizontally
Write beautiful format like this, the equal sign should be written on the outside

Calculation: 99.9 × 99... 9 + 199... 9 are n

=(99… 9)²+2*99… 9+1
=(99… 9+1)²

99 ^ 2 + 199 of 99 ^ 2 + 99 =?

(99 & (178; + 99)) (99 & (178; + 199)
=[99 × (99 + 1)] (99 & # 178; + 99 + 100)
=(99 × 100) of (99 × 100 + 100)
=(99 × 100) [100 × (99 + 1)]
=(99 × 100) (100 × 100)
=100 out of 99
