8 meters, eyes 0.08 meters from the top of the head, standing in front of the vertical plane mirror, he wants to see the image of his feet Drawing

8 meters, eyes 0.08 meters from the top of the head, standing in front of the vertical plane mirror, he wants to see the image of his feet Drawing

Height of mirror from ground: (1.8-0.08) / 2 = 0.86
To see the whole body, the mirror should be at least 1.8-0.08-0.86 + (0.08 / 2) = 0.9 meters long

Xiao Ming is 1.6m tall. He stands 3 meters in front of the plane mirror. What's his height?
The answer is 1 meter... But why?

Obviously, the answer is 1.6m, and the characteristic of plane mirror imaging is equal size and upright virtual image
Your answer must be wrong
It is possible that the answer is wrong. To learn physics well, one must have the spirit of questioning!

Xiao Ming is 1.7 meters tall and stands one meter in front of a plane mirror placed vertically. The height of his image in the mirror is equal to several meters

Because the image of the object in the plane mirror is equal to the size of the object

A person with a height of 1.8m is standing 3m in front of the plane mirror. At this time, the distance between him and his image is ﹤ M
The answer is 3M. Why?

Does it have anything to do with height? The saying of 3 meters ignores the distance between the image and the mirror. In fact, the distance between the image and the mirror is equal to the distance between you and the mirror. In other words, the answer is 6 meters

When we pass the street lamp at night, we will form a shadow on the ground. The reason is that________________ ,
The length of the shadow will change. When you approach the street lamp, the shadow will change__________ After the streetlights__________ (insert "lengthen" or "shorten")

When we pass the streetlights at night, shadows will form on the ground. The reason is that light travels in a straight line
The length of the shadow will change. The shadow will be shorter when approaching the street lamp, and longer when passing the street lamp (fill in "longer" or "shorter")
Cuole upstairs --

5 m Xiaodong stands 2.5 m in front of the plane mirror. When he leaves the plane mirror at the speed of 1 m / s, what is the height of the image?

It's 1.5 meters. The flat mirror is the same size,

If a person moves away from the mirror for 2S at the speed of 1m / s, what is the distance m between the person and the image? What is the height m of the image?

If the person moves away from the mirror for 2S at the speed of 1m / s, the person is 2 meters away from the mirror
Because the distance between the image and the object is the same, the distance between the image and the mirror is 2 meters, so the distance between the person and the image is 4 meters
What's the height of the image m? The height of the image is equal to the height of the object, but you didn't say the height of the object, so you can't know the height of the image

If someone is 5 meters in front of a plane mirror placed vertically, his image in the mirror is 5 meters away from him. If he moves in the direction parallel to the plane mirror at a speed of 1 m / s for 3 s
Then the velocity of the image relative to human is m

It's like 10 meters away from him
When moving parallel to the mirror, the distance between the image and him is still 10 meters, so the speed of the image relative to human is 0

When checking the vision, the distance between the eye and the vision chart should be 5 meters. If a person observes the vision chart through the plane mirror, when the distance between the vision chart and the plane mirror is 3 meters, the distance between the person and the plane mirror should be ()
A. 1m B. 2m C. 3M D. 4m

∵ the distance between the visual acuity chart and the plane mirror is 3 m, the distance between the image formed by the visual acuity chart and the plane mirror is 3 m, it is known that the distance between the eye and the visual acuity chart should be 5 m, and the distance between the person and the plane mirror should be 5 M-3 M = 2 m

A person with a height of 1.8m stands at 3M of the plane mirror. At this time, the distance between him and his image is m, and the image height is m

The distance between him and his image is 6m
The image height is 1.8m