Cut a cube block into the largest cylinder. The volume of the cylinder is 94.2 cubic centimeter

Cut a cube block into the largest cylinder. The volume of the cylinder is 94.2 cubic centimeter

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Analysis: volume of cylinder = 3.14 × (edge length △ 2) × (edge length △ 2) × edge length = 3.14 △ 2 △ 2 × edge length × edge length
Cube volume: 9.42 ÷ (3.14 / 2 / 2) = 12 (cm3)

A rectangular block of wood, 6cm long, 5cm wide and 4cm high, if you saw it into the largest cube, how much less than the original volume?

Cuboid volume: 6 × 5 × 4 = 120 (cubic centimeter), cube volume: 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 (cubic centimeter), (120-64) △ 120 = 56 △ 120 ≈ 0.467 = 46.7%; answer: the volume is 46.7% less than the original

A cuboid is 6cm in length, 4cm in width and 5cm in height. How much smaller is the cuboid than the original cuboid?

(6 × 4 × 5-4 × 4 × 4) / (6 × 4 × 5), = (120-64) / - 120, = 56 / 120, ≈ 46.7%. A: the volume is 46.7% less than the original