A cone-shaped grain pile, with a bottom circumference of 12.56 meters and a height of 1.5 meters, loads the rice into a cylindrical granary, which is just full. The bottom of the granary is straight It's 2 meters in diameter. What's its height

A cone-shaped grain pile, with a bottom circumference of 12.56 meters and a height of 1.5 meters, loads the rice into a cylindrical granary, which is just full. The bottom of the granary is straight It's 2 meters in diameter. What's its height

Cone bottom radius = 12.56 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 2m
Bottom area = 3.14 × 2 × 2 = 12.56 square meters
Volume = 1 / 3 × 12.56 × 1.5 = 6.28m3
The radius of the bottom of the cylinder is 2 △ 2 = 1m
Height = 6.28 / 3.14 / 1 & # 178; = 2m
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A cylindrical grain bin, 3 meters high, 12.56 meters in circumference, weighs about 650 kg per cubic meter of rice

(12.56 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2) & ﹣ 178; × 3.14 × 3 × 650 equals 37.68 × 650 equals 24492kg

A cone-shaped grain pile is 2 meters long and the perimeter of the bottom is 18.84 meters. It's good to store these grains in a granary, which accounts for two fifths of the granary volume
What is the capacity of this granary?

Will you adopt it!

The volume of the granary can be calculated by loading a 5-meter conical grain pile with a circumference of 18.84 cm into the granary, which just accounts for 15% of the granary

Bottom radius 18.84 ÷ (2x3.14) = 3M
The volume of granary is 1 / 3x3.14x1.5 △ 15% = 94.2m3