The solution equation: X − 2x + 2 + 4x2 − 4 = 1

The solution equation: X − 2x + 2 + 4x2 − 4 = 1

The two sides of the equation are multiplied by (X-2) (x + 2) to get (X-2) 2 + 4 = (X-2) (x + 2), and the solution is x = 3

4X + 24 = 6 × (X-2)


Solution equation: (0.4x + 0.6) / 5 = 9


In 1000, how many numbers can be divided by 2 or 3? How to find them?

There are 500 divisible by 2, 333 divisible by 3, and 1 000 / 6 = 166 divisible by 2, 3, so 500 + 333-166 = 667

From 1 to 1000, how many numbers can be divided by 2 or 3? Why?

There are 1000 / 2 = 500 divisible by 2
What can be divided by 3 is 1000 / 3 equal to 333
Coincidence (i.e. multiple of 6) 1000 / 6 = 166

Find the number of numbers 1-1000 divisible by at least one of 2, 3, 5

2. The least common multiple of 3 and 5 is 30
2. The least common multiple of 3 is 6
2. The least common multiple of 5 is 10
3. The least common multiple of 5 is 15
1000/30 ———> 33
1000/6 ———> 166
1000/10 ———> 100
1000/15 ———> 66
The number of numbers divisible by at least one of 2, 3, 5
500+333+200 - 33 - 166 - 66 = 768

Write 2 even numbers divisible by 5, write 2 odd numbers divisible by 5, write 2 skills divisible by 5 have numbers divisible by 2

10 20
15 25
It's still 10, 20

How many are even numbers? How many are divisible by 5? How many are divisible by 3?

There are innumerable even numbers, innumerable numbers divisible by 5, as long as one digit number is 0 or 5, and innumerable numbers divisible by 3, as long as the sum of each digit number is a multiple of 3

How many numbers from 1 to 1000 can be divided by 3 or 5

3, 6, 9 999 is a total of 333, 5, 10, 15 1000 total 200, can be divided by 15 have 15, 30, 45 990 is 66, so the answer is 333 + 200 - 66 = 467. Because the multiple of 15 is actually calculated twice

Find the number between [1.1000] which can be divided by 3, and the number on at least one bit is the sum of all numbers of 5

int my_ test(int num){