There is a conical sand pile on the construction site, which is 0.9 meters high and 12.56 meters long. The weight of each cubic meter of sand is about 1.7 tons. How many tons does this pile of sand weigh? (the total amount is reserved for the whole ton)

There is a conical sand pile on the construction site, which is 0.9 meters high and 12.56 meters long. The weight of each cubic meter of sand is about 1.7 tons. How many tons does this pile of sand weigh? (the total amount is reserved for the whole ton)

12.56 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 2 (m) 13 × 3.14 × 22 × 0.9 = 3.14 × 4 × 0.3 = 3.768 (M3) 1.7 × 3.768 = 6.4056 (T) ≈ 6 t a: this pile of sand weighs about 6 t

A tin grain storage, bottom diameter of 3 meters, 2 meters, column height of 2 meters, for grain storage capacity?

If I bear you C,
3.14 × (3 / 2) &# 178; × (2 + 1.2 × 1 / 3) = 16.956 (M3)

A granary made of a cone and a cylinder has a bottom diameter of 2 meters, a cylinder height of 1.5 meters, and a cone height of 0.6 meters. The granary covers an area of 2 meters, and the volume of the granary is 2 meters(

This granary covers an area of 3.14 × (2 / 2) & 178; = 3.14 square meters
Volume of cone = (1 / 3) × 3.14 × 0.6 = 0.628 M3
Volume of cylinder = 3.14 × 1.5 = 4.71 M3
The volume of this granary is 0.628 + 4.71 = 5.338 cubic meters