The difference between two right sides of a right triangle is 7cm, and the area is 30cm 2

The difference between two right sides of a right triangle is 7cm, and the area is 30cm 2

Let the shorter right angle side length be xcm, the longer one be (x + 7) cm, 12x · (x + 7) = 30, and the result is as follows: x2 + 7x-60 = 0, ∧ (x + 12) (X-5) = 0, ∧ x = 5 or x = - 12 (rounding off). 5 + 7 = 12cm, 52 + 122 = 13cm. The length of hypotenuse is 13cm

The three sides of a right triangle are 3cm, 4cm and 5cm respectively. How to calculate the height on the hypotenuse

3 cm is low, 4 cm is high and 5 cm is hypotenuse. Then the area is 3 times 4 and divide by 2 to get 6 square cm. If the hypotenuse is low, then the height on the hypotenuse is 12 divided by 5 and divided by 2 to get 1.2

Use 60cm to form a right triangle. The length ratio of the three sides of the triangle is 3:4:5. What is the height of the hypotenuse of the right triangle?

The length of the three sides is 60 * (1 / 4) = 15,
Using the area method,
The height on the hypotenuse is: 15 * 20 / 25 = 12