Divide any triangle into four triangles of equal area by three different methods

Divide any triangle into four triangles of equal area by three different methods

Method 1: as shown in Figure 1, divide BC into four equal parts and connect ad, AE and AF. according to the equal area of triangles with the same base and height, △ abd, △ ade, △ AEF and △ AFC are equal products. Method 2: as shown in Figure 2, divide BC into two equal parts and connect ad to get two equal product triangles △ ADC and △ abd, and then take the midpoint e of AD and connect be, CE

For a triangle test field, it is necessary to divide the test field into four small plots with equal area, plant four different fine varieties, design more than three different division schemes, and give explanations

As shown in the figure:

Divide a triangle into three triangles of equal area. How many ways can you think of?

As shown in the figure, it is the required drawing