How many jin of rice can you get from one mu of paddy field? It's said that one mu of paddy field can yield 1000 Jin of rice. I don't know what the yield of hybrid rice is now,

How many jin of rice can you get from one mu of paddy field? It's said that one mu of paddy field can yield 1000 Jin of rice. I don't know what the yield of hybrid rice is now,

A new record of 1111.02 kg / mu yield was set in Binchuan County, Yunnan Province by a Super Hybrid Glutinous Rice Cultivar developed by China. This is another achievement of the advanced technology of breeding glutinous rice varieties by nuclear radiation mutation in China

There is a triangular paddy field with a bottom length of 540 meters and a height of 100 meters. If the rice yield per square meter is 1.1 kg, how many kg and tons of rice can be harvested in this field?

Because the bottom is 540 meters long and 100 meters high,
So what's the area of this land
1 kg of rice per square meter, so
27000 * 1.1 = 29700 (kg) = 29.7 (T)

A parallelogram paddy field with a bottom of 150 meters and a height of 180 meters collected 17550 kg of rice last year. How many hectares is the area of this paddy field? Average per hectare
What's the average kilogram of rice per hectare?

(1) Find the area of parallelogram:
150 × 180 = 27000 (M2) = 2.7 (HA)
(2) Calculate the kilogram of rice:
17550 △ 2.7 = 6500 (kg)
A: the average rice yield per hectare is 6500 kg