A triangular paddy field is 180 meters long at the bottom and 150 meters high. In this field, 16200 kg of rice is harvested, and () kg of rice is produced per hectare on average?

A triangular paddy field is 180 meters long at the bottom and 150 meters high. In this field, 16200 kg of rice is harvested, and () kg of rice is produced per hectare on average?

Triangular area: 1 / 2 (180 * 150) = 13500 M2 = 1.35 ha (1 ha = 10000 m2)
Average rice yield per hectare: 16200 / 1.35 = 12000kg

Three fifths of a piece of land is used for planting. Cucumber, tomato and cabbage are planted according to the area ratio of 2:3:4. The known area of planting tomato is 120 square meters. What is the area of this piece of land?

It is known that the area of tomato is 120 square meters, and the proportion is 3, so each land is 40 square meters. Therefore, the area of cucumber is 80 square meters, and that of cabbage is 160 square meters
Three fifths of the land is the sum of three kinds of vegetables: 360 square meters
120 / 3 = 40 (M2)
Cucumber: 2 * 40 = 80 (M2)
Cabbage: 4 * 40 = 160 (M2)
Total: 80 + 120 + 160 = 360 (M2)
Area: 360 / 3 * 5 = 600 (M2)

A fan-shaped statistical chart of the planting area of three kinds of vegetables in a farm. It is known that the planting area of tomatoes is 5.5 hectares, cucumber is 30% eggplant, 15% tomato is 55%
What is the specific area of vegetable field? What is the replacement area of cucumber?

Tomato △ total area = 55%, then
Total planting area = 5.5 △ 55% = 10 ha
10x30% = 3 ha
10x15% = 1.5 ha