There is a triangle lawn in the middle of the road (see photo). The price of 1 m2 lawn is 12 yuan. How much does it cost to grow this lawn?

There is a triangle lawn in the middle of the road (see photo). The price of 1 m2 lawn is 12 yuan. How much does it cost to grow this lawn?

16 × 9.5 △ 2 × 12, = 76 × 12, = 912 yuan; a: it costs 912 yuan to plant this lawn

There is an equilateral triangle lawn in front of the teaching building of Yuxin primary school. It is known that the perimeter of the lawn is 6 meters and the height is about 1.7 meters. How many square meters is its area?

6 △ 3 = 2 (meters), 2 × 1.7 △ 2 = 1.7 (square meters); a: its area is about 1.7 square meters

A farmer dug a new round pool, the perimeter of the pool is 50.24 meters, how many square meters is the area of the pool?

It is known that C = 50.24m, r = C ﹣ 2 ﹣ π = 50.24 ﹣ 2 ﹣ 3.14 = 8 (m); s = π R2 = 3.14 × 82 = 3.14 × 64, = 200.96 (M2); a: this round pool covers an area of 200.96 square meters