There are three lawns in the street garden. The first one accounts for 3 / 10 of the total area, the second one covers 1 / 5 of the total area, and the third one accounts for 1 / 3 of the total area. What is the total area of the three lawns in the street garden?

There are three lawns in the street garden. The first one accounts for 3 / 10 of the total area, the second one covers 1 / 5 of the total area, and the third one accounts for 1 / 3 of the total area. What is the total area of the three lawns in the street garden?

The answer is not necessarily right
There are three lawns in the street garden, with a total area of X hectares
The total area of the three lawns in the street garden is 19 / 24 hectare

1. The shadow part is the lawn, and the blank part is the path (there is a small circle in a big circle, the big circle is the blank part, and the small circle is the shadow part). Xiaodong walks along the outside of the path for 62.8 meters. The width of the road is known to be 1 meter, and the area of the lawn is calculated. 2. Xiaoxu draws two concentric circles with a compass. When drawing the first circle, the distance between the two feet of the compass is 3 cm, and the second circle is, He increased the distance between the two feet of the compass by 2 cm

The radius of the big circle is
=10 meters
The radius of the small circle is
=9 meters
The area of lawn is
=254.34 square meters
Circle area
=50.24 square centimeter

In order to green the campus, the school decided to build a rectangular lawn, 30 meters long and 20 meters wide, and build a cross road on the lawn as shown in the figure. The width of the road is x meters, expressed by algebraic formula: (1) how many square meters is the area of the road? (2) What's the area of the lawn in square meters?
