The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylindrical iron bucket without a cover is 31.4 decimeters, and the height is 0.8 meters. How many square meters of iron is needed to make the bucket? How many liters of water is the most in the bucket

The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylindrical iron bucket without a cover is 31.4 decimeters, and the height is 0.8 meters. How many square meters of iron is needed to make the bucket? How many liters of water is the most in the bucket

31.4 decimeters = 3.14 meters
Bottom radius = 3.14 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 0.5 (m)
Bottom area = 3.14 × 0.5 & # 178; = 0.785 (M2)
Side area = 3.14 × 0.8 = 2.512 (M2)
Required iron sheet area = 2.512 + 0.785 = 3.297 (M2)
Volume = 0.785 × 0.8 = 0.628 (M3) = 628 (L)

When m is equal to, the result of the following formula is 0? When m is equal to, the result of the following formula is 1?

Namely: 5m-20 = 0
That is, when m = 4, the original formula is 0
When m = 81 / 20, the original formula is 1

When m is equal to, the result of the following formula is 0? When m is equal to, the result of the following formula is 1?

(1) 5m-20=0;5m=20;m=4