Proof: real coefficient polynomials of degree 3 or more can be factorized The results of decomposition are all polynomials with real coefficients,

Proof: real coefficient polynomials of degree 3 or more can be factorized The results of decomposition are all polynomials with real coefficients,

In short, we use these theorems:
1. Any polynomial of degree n has n complex roots (repeatable)
2. Pairs of imaginary roots of polynomials with real coefficients
Then, for a polynomial P with real coefficients higher than cubic, there are at least two complex roots a + bi and a-bi, and P is divisible by x-a + bi and x-a-bi, that is, (x-a) ^ 2 + B ^ 2

x²+__ -2y²=﹙x-y﹚﹙________ Find the value factorization in brackets

x²+_ xy_ -2y²=﹙x-y﹚﹙___ x+2y_____ ﹚

Let a = (a ^ 2 + 1) (b ^ 2 + 1) - 4AB, let a = 0. Find the values of a and B
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