On the relationship between the middle index and coefficient of Yang Hui triangle I know that the numbers in the triangle represent the coefficients of each item. But how are those items arranged? What's the exponent of each letter? For example, (a + b) ^ 5. I know it should be a ^ 5 + What's the law of things in B ^ 5?

On the relationship between the middle index and coefficient of Yang Hui triangle I know that the numbers in the triangle represent the coefficients of each item. But how are those items arranged? What's the exponent of each letter? For example, (a + b) ^ 5. I know it should be a ^ 5 + What's the law of things in B ^ 5?

It is arranged in descending order of a and ascending order of B
For example, (a + b) ^ 5 = a ^ 5 + 5A ^ 4B + 10A & # 179; B & # 178; + 10A & # 178; B & # 179; + 5ab ^ 4 + B ^ 5