In the proportion of 4:12 = 8:24, if the latter term of the first ratio is increased by 6, how can the former term of the second ratio be changed to make the equation hold

In the proportion of 4:12 = 8:24, if the latter term of the first ratio is increased by 6, how can the former term of the second ratio be changed to make the equation hold

4: 12 = N4: N12, so the ratio of n to n is constant
If you want to keep 24 constant, multiply 8:36, numerator and denominator by 4 / 6 at the same time, and the numerator will come out
I haven't thought about the rules, but it's not difficult to be considered necessary. Of course, when it comes to the inquiry questions, I don't know if there are rules

8. The equation of 10,12,8 = 24
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division instead of repeating numbers


(1) (2) the ratio of 4:8 and 12:24 is () of,
(1) there are countless ratios equal to the ratio of 0.6:0.2

(1) Write out two ratios that are one fifth of the ratio: (1:5) and (3:15), and the ratio of composition is (1:5 = 3:15). (2) the ratio of 4:8 and 12:24 is (equal), both are (1,2), so the ratio they can make up is (4:8 = 12:24). Judgment: (1) there are countless ratios equal to the ratio of 0.6:0.2. (correct)