Which of the following formulas are monomials? What are their coefficients and times? 2X + 1 negative a & # 178; B 4 / 7 Mn 5 / x y 4 / 3 π R & # 179; 2 / ah The nth power of 2 (AB + BC + Ca) a

Which of the following formulas are monomials? What are their coefficients and times? 2X + 1 negative a & # 178; B 4 / 7 Mn 5 / x y 4 / 3 π R & # 179; 2 / ah The nth power of 2 (AB + BC + Ca) a

Negative a & # 178; B (- B, 2) four seventh Mn fifth power (4 / 7m, 5) four third π R & # 179; (3 / 4 π, 3) n power of a (1, n) 13 (13,1)
An algebraic formula composed of numbers and letters or the multiplication of letters and letters is called a monomial (a single number or letter is also a monomial). The number factor in a monomial is called the coefficient of the monomial. The sum of the exponents of all letters is called the degree of the monomial. The zero power of any nonzero number is equal to 1
For example, 1 / X is not a monomial
For example, 1 and x ^ 2Y are also monomials
If a binomial contains only letter factors, if it is a positive number, the binomial coefficient is 1, if it is a negative number, the binomial coefficient is - 1

1/3+1/15+1/35+…… 1/399+1/483=


Calculate a surprise!
In addition:
If the real numbers a, B and C satisfy a + B + C = 0 and ABC = 8, then the value of 1 / A + 1 / B + 1 / C is an integer
A. Negative number
B. Nonnegative number
C. Positive number
D. Non positive number
There is an elevator in a shopping mall, and Party A and Party B are eager to do business, so when they take the escalator, they can get on the stairs at an average speed. Class a ascends the stairs at 55, and class B ascends the stairs at 60. The speed of class B is twice that of class A (the number of times that of class A in unit time), so the number of escalators is ()
1 / 2 / 3 this is the result of calculation, in which there are scores!
I don't understand you!

Integral part 1 + 2 + +12 = 78, fraction 2 / 3 + 2 / 15 + +2/575=(1-1/3)+(1/3-1/5)+…… +(1/23-1/25)=24/25
Grade 66 escalator
Let the escalator speed x, a's speed y.55 + 55x / y = 60 + 30x / y, y = 5x, and then back to 55 + 55x / y = 66

1 in 3, 1 in 15, 1 in 35
Rules! Easy!

1/3=1* 1/3
According to the law of denominator, we can know
The next one is 1 / 7 * 1 / 9 = 1 / 63

2 / 3 + 2 / 15 + 2 / 35 +. + 2 / 399

Every term is 2 / [I * (I + 2)] = 1 / I-1 / (I + 2)
So the original formula = 1 / 1-1 / 3 + 1 / 3-1 / 5 +... 1 / 19-1 / 21 = 1-1 / 21 = 20 / 21

Observe the regular number in the following line, and write the fifth number. 12, − 25310, − 417______ ,−637,…

The first number is 12 = 112 + 1, the second number is - 25 = - 222 + 1, the third number is 310 = 332 + 1, the fourth number is - 417 = - 442 + 1, so the fifth number is 552 + 1 = 526

How much square centimeter is one centimeter? How to calculate? Please explain the basic principle and formula. Thank you

Centimeter is the unit of length and square centimeter is the unit of area. They have different dimensions and can't be converted to each other,
It can only be said that a square with a side length of 1cm has an area of 1cm

Conversion formula of meter, decimeter, centimeter, square meter, square decimeter, square centimeter, hectare,

1m = 10dm = 100cm 1 square = 100 square decimeter = 10000 square centimeter 1 hectare = 10000 square meter

1. If the square of a number is equal to 256, then the number is () 2. If the square root of a number is negative 9, then the number is ()

1. If the square of a number equals 256, then the number is (± 16)
2. If a square root of a number is negative 9, then the number is (81)

How to quickly calculate the square of a number or which number is equal to another number

Memorize the square of 1 ~ 20
Memorize the operation speed can be much faster