Number a is 120, 25% more than number B, and number B is 120___ .

Number a is 120, 25% more than number B, and number B is 120___ .

120 (1 + 25%) = 120 (1.25) = 69 A: B is 96, so the answer is 96

If the number a is 120% of the number B, then the number B is 80% of the number a,

B is 83.3% of A

Is the number a 25% more than the number B and the number B 25% less than the number a right? Why?

If a is 25% more than B, then a is 1 + 25% of B = 125%
B is 25% less than a, 125% = 20%

If the number a is 25% more than the number B, then the number a is 125% of the number B. is that right or wrong?

(a-b) / b = 25%
Then a / b = 125%
So this sentence is right

25% of a is equal to 75% of B. B is 40. What's a?

40 × 75% / 25%, = 40 × 34% / 14, = 30 × 4, = 120; a: the number of a is 120

The number of a is 1.2 more than that of B. if the number of a increases by 0.25 and the number of B decreases by 0.75, then the number of a is more than that of B?

2, the number of a increased by 0.25, the number of B decreased by 0.75, equivalent to the number of a increased by 1, while the number of B remained unchanged, plus the number of a was 1.2 more than that of B at the beginning, that is 2.2 more

How much is the number a 25% more than the number B and how much is the number B 25% less than the number a?


The number a is a, which is four times less than the number B. the number B is ()

B is (a + b) / 4

Number a is a, number B is four times of number a, number a is smaller than number B?

Not necessarily
When the number a is positive, the number a is smaller than the number B. for example, if the number a is 1, then the number B is 4, then the number a is smaller than the number B;
When the number a is negative, the number a is larger than the number B. for example, if the number a is - 1, then the number B is - 4, then the number a is larger than the number B

The number a is a, which is three times less than the number B. the number B is expressed in letters ()

(a x B) △ 3