Number a is three times of number B. what is the ratio of number a to number B and what is the ratio?

Number a is three times of number B. what is the ratio of number a to number B and what is the ratio?

Suppose the number a is 3, then B is 1, the ratio of a and B is 3:1, and the ratio is 3 divided by 1, which equals 3

The number of a is three times of that of B, and the ratio of a to B is the ratio

The number of a is three times that of B, and the ratio of a and B is [3:1] ratio [3]

The ratio of a and B is 1.6. What is the ratio of a and B?

The ratio of a and B is 1.6, and the ratio of a and B is 8:5
1.6 :1 = 16 :10 = 8 :5

The number of a is 35 times that of B, and the ratio of a to B is______ The ratio is______ .

Because number a = number B × 35, so number A: number b = 3:5; 3:5 = 3 △ 5 = 0.6; so the answer is: 3:5, 0.6

A is six times that of B. their greatest common factor is 13, and the number of a is ()

A is six times that of B. their greatest common factor is 13, and the number of a is (13 × 6 = 78)

The sum of the three numbers a, B and C is 102, the number a is 24 larger than B, and the number B is 12 larger than C. what is the greatest common factor of the three numbers___ The least common multiple is_____ .

C is (102-12-12-24) / 3 = 18
B is 18 + 12 = 30
The number of a is 30 + 24 = 54
The greatest common factor of these three numbers is 6 and the least common multiple is 270

The least common multiple of a and B is 78 and the greatest common factor is 13

Amanda Wang Jin,
The least common multiple of a and B is 78 and the greatest common factor is 13. It is known that a is 26 and B is 78 × 13 △ 26 = 39

The number a is 120, the number B is 80, and the number a is the number B______ %The number B is the number a______ %The number of a is more than that of B______ %The number of B is less than that of A______ %.

The answer is: number a is 150% of number B; number B is 66.7% of number a; number a is 50% more than number B; number B is 33.3% less than number A. so the answer is: 150, 66.7, 50, 33.3

If a number is reduced by 20%, it will be 80. What's the number? 25% of the number a is equal to 75% of the number B. if the number B is 40, what's the number a?

Let a be X
A: the number of a is 120

Number a is 120, 25% more than number B, and number B is 120___ .

120 (1 + 25%) = 120 (1.25) = 69 A: B is 96, so the answer is 96