A negative number is four times its reciprocal. It should be ()

A negative number is four times its reciprocal. It should be ()

Let this number be x, then
x = 4/x
x² = 4
X = - 2 (x = 2, rounded off)
So this number should be - 2

Is there a reciprocal for negative numbers? If so, what is the number from - 70?

If the product of two real numbers is 1, the two numbers are reciprocal to each other. For example, the following groups of numbers are reciprocal to each other:
The numerator can also be interchanged with the denominator: the reciprocal of 5 / 3 is 3 / 5
3 and 1 / 3 5 / 3 and 3 / 5 - 0.5 and - 2
In addition, the reciprocal of 1 and - 1 is itself, because zero cannot be divisor, so zero has no reciprocal
In addition, there is "negative reciprocal", that is, two numbers whose product is negative 1 are "negative reciprocal" to each other
Formally, the reciprocal of a fraction is that its numerator and denominator are reversed
In essence, the product of two reciprocal numbers is 1, so the reciprocal of - 70 is a negative 70th

Why is the reciprocal of a negative number negative?

It's the countdown
That is, divide 1 by the original number to get the reciprocal
It's not absolute
So negative or negative

The reciprocal of a number is itself. The number is (including positive and negative numbers)


How to find the reciprocal of a negative number?

The product is one, like - 5 and - 1 / 5

The difference between a number and its reciprocal is 4.8. What is the number?


How many numbers are there when the digit of a number and the digit of ten are reversed by one position and the difference between the two numbers is 27?
And write your explanation!

Let the ten bits of this number be a and the other two be B
Because a and B are integers
So a = 9, B = 6 or a = 8, B = 5, or a = 7, B = 4, or a = 6, B = 3 or a = 5, B = 2 or a = 4, B = 1
This number is 96 or 85, or 74 or 63, or 52 or 41, a total of six

() 1 / 11 is 9 / 11; 8 / 15 has () 1 / 15. A number consists of 3 1 / 4 1 / 7. This number is () and its reciprocal is
Divide 3 kg of tea into 8 packets, each packet weighs 3 kg ()

(9) One out of eleven is nine out of eleven; eight out of fifteen have one out of fifteen
A number consists of three, four and one in seven. This number is (3 and 4 / 7) and its reciprocal is 7 in 25
Divide 3 kg of tea into 8 packets, each packet weighs 3 kg (1 / 8)

If the product of two numbers is - 4, and one of them is - 2 and 2 / 3, then the reciprocal of the other number is -

(- 2 and 2 / 3) / (- 4)
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There are several numbers, the first of which is - 1 / 3. From the second, every number after is equal to the reciprocal of the difference between 1 and the previous one
(1) Calculate the value of the second, third and fourth number respectively
(2) Calculate the sum of the first 36 numbers

(1) The second number is 1 / (1 - (- 1 / 3)) = 1 / 4 / 3 = 3 / 4
The third number is 1 / (1-3 / 4) = 4
The fourth number is 1 / (1-4) = - 1 / 3
(2) According to the meaning of the title
So in the 36 numbers, every three numbers cycle once, that is, A4 = A1, A5 = A2
So the sum of the first 36 numbers = (- 1 / 3 + 3 / 4 + 4) * 36 / 3 = 53