Rate of change and derivative, help me look at this problem The average rate of change of function FX = the square of X + 3 near x = 1,2,3, which point has the smallest average rate of change? In detail, because I'm a bit stupid. What's the minimum value of instantaneous rate of change and what's the critical point?

Rate of change and derivative, help me look at this problem The average rate of change of function FX = the square of X + 3 near x = 1,2,3, which point has the smallest average rate of change? In detail, because I'm a bit stupid. What's the minimum value of instantaneous rate of change and what's the critical point?

The minimum value of instantaneous rate of change is the minimum value of derivative. Please learn the concept of derivative in detail. Derivative is the instantaneous change of a variable at a certain point in time. That is to say, after deriving the function, the value will be brought in to see if it is small. The critical point is the point when the trend of the function reverses, that is, the point where the derivative value is equal to 0