The approximate number is 2.4 × 105____ It's a significant number. It's accurate to___ position

The approximate number is 2.4 × 105____ It's a significant number. It's accurate to___ position

The approximate number 2.4 × 10 ^ 5 has two significant digits, which is accurate to 100000 digits

The approximate number is 4.10 × 105______ , yes___ A significant number
5 is the index

3 significant numbers

On approximate number and significant number
The significant number of the fourth power of data 3.10 × 10 is ()
The data 20000 contains three significant numbers. The approximate number is ()
Data 0.02076 three significant digits are reserved, about________
Use rounding method to approximate 60340 (keep two significant numbers) 60340 ≈______

The significant number of the fourth power of data 3.10 × 10 is (3,1,0)
The approximate number of data 20000 is (2.00 × 10 to the fourth power)
Data 0.02076 three significant digits are reserved, about___ 0.0208_____
Use rounding method to approximate 60340 (keep two significant numbers) 60340 ≈__ The fourth power of 6.0 × 10____

A question about approximate number and significant number
How accurate is the approximate number of 23000? How many significant numbers are there?

The significant number starts from the first non-zero number. The decimal point is not counted and the sign digit is not counted. So the significant number is two
23000, which is accurate? The unit of the last number 3 is 3000, so it is accurate to 1000

Kneel for approximate number and significant number!
10. Name the approximate numbers in the following questions, to which point are they accurate? How many significant numbers are there?
(1) China's population is about 1.3 billion;
(2) the approximate value of π is 3.14;
(3) the output value of a factory in 2004 is about 20 million yuan

(1) China's population is about 1.3 billion, with two effective figures of 100 million
(2) the approximate value of π is 3.14; the three significant digits are 0.01
(3) the output value of a factory in 2004 is about 20 million yuan. There are four significant figures

All positive integers n that make 3 ^ n + 729 a perfect square are

N = 7, just this one

a. B is a positive integer no more than 20. If B of a is equal to 1 of 18, find the numbers represented by a and B

B / (the square of a) = 1 / 18 = 2 / 36 = 8 / (36 * 4) = 18 / (36 * 9) at most (the numerator is an integer and the denominator is a complete square)
So B = 2, a = 6
b=8 a=12
b=18 a=18

a. B is a natural number no more than 20. If B of a is equal to 1 of 12, find the number represented by a and B

a. B is a natural number no more than 20. If B of a is equal to 1 of 12, find the number represented by a and B

What is the square of 20-19 + 18 - ·· 1?

20^2-19^2+18^2-17^2+.1 =(20+19)(20-19)+(18+17)(18-17)+.+(2+1)(2-1) =39+35+31+27+23+19+15+11+7+3 =210

The sum of 75 consecutive positive integers starting from a certain number is a complete square number, and the minimum value of the number ()
Explain the thinking process

Let this number be n, and the sum of these 75 numbers be (n + N + 74) * 75 / 2 = (n + 37) * 75 (n + 37) * 75 = (n + 37) * 3 * 2525. If (n + 37) * 3 is also a complete square, then n + 37 must be the product of a multiple of 3 and a complete square. When n = 2, N + 37 = 39 = 3 * 13, but 13 is not a complete square