Approximate number 2010, 2 significant numbers are reserved__ ?

Approximate number 2010, 2 significant numbers are reserved__ ?


What is the approximate number of 0.0238 (accurate to 0.001)? What is the approximate number of 2.605 (retain 2 significant digits)? What is the approximate number of 2.605 (retain 3 significant digits)? What is the approximate number of 20543 (retain 3 significant digits)? To be accurate,

The approximate value of 0.0238 (accurate to 0.001) is 0.024
The approximate value of 2.605 is 2.6
The approximation of 2.605 (with 3 significant digits) is 2.61
The approximate number of 20543 is 2.05 × 10 to the fourth power

How accurate is the approximate number of 0.03 million
If you want to explain the reason, do you want to include the ten thousand behind

If you want to count in. 0.3 million, ten thousand before the decimal point, ten thousand, one hundred and ten thousand, so it's accurate to ten. You can also see the last digit after the decimal point, which digit is accurate to which digit. You can see that the last digit is 0, so it's accurate to ten

A set of natural numbers less than 20

There are totally 20 squares minus 1 set, that is 399 sets. Do you want to list them all-_ -||

Let u = {a natural number less than 10}
Let u = {natural number less than 10}, a = {positive even number less than 10}, and B = {6 / 1 + X ∈ Z, X ∈ n}, respectively


The set of points on the parabola y = x square - 2x + 1 (x is a natural number less than 5)

Set: {(x, y) | (4,9), (3,4), (2,1), (1,0), (0,1)}

Use different prime numbers within 10 to form a three digit number so that it is a multiple of 2 and 3 at the same time. What are the three digits of this number

The quality within 10 is 2, 3, 5 and 7
In order to be divisible by 2, the mantissa must be 2. In order to be divisible by 3, the sum of three numbers must be a multiple of 3, so only two numbers meet the requirements: 372 and 732

Use three different prime numbers within ten to form a maximum three digit that is not only a multiple of three, but also a multiple of five. What is this three digit?

The prime number within 10 is 2357
Because if it's a multiple of three and a multiple of five
So the end must be 5
If you want to be divisible by 3, then the sum of 5 and the other two numbers is a multiple of 3
The three numbers that satisfy the condition are 573
So the biggest is 735
If you have any questions, you can go to Baidu Hi

Choose three prime numbers less than 10 to form three digits. Which of them are multiples of 2 and 3?
What's the formula

The prime numbers within 10: 2,3,5,7 are The multiples of 2 and 3 are 237.273.357.375.327.372.537.573.723.732.735.753

Using different prime numbers within 10 to form three digits is a multiple of 3 and 2. What is it?

It's 372 or 732. Ten has 2,3,5,7 with endoplasmic number. It's a multiple of 2. The digit can only be 2. It's a multiple of 3. The addition of digit, ten and hundred must be divisible by 3. It can only be these two three digits