The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16cm, and each waist is 2cm longer than the bottom side?

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16cm, and each waist is 2cm longer than the bottom side?

If the bottom edge is x, the perimeter is x + 2 * (2 + x) = 16, so x = 4, so the two waists are 6cm and the bottom edge is 4cm

It is known that the circumference of isosceles triangle is 16cm. Let the bottom length be xcm and the waist length be YCM
(1) Find the functional relationship between waist length YCM and bottom length xcm, and write out the value range of independent variable x
(2) If the length of one side of the isosceles triangle is 4cm, calculate the length of the other two sides

(1) Because the length of the bottom edge is xcm and the waist length is YCM, x + 2Y = 162y = 16-x, the functional relationship between Y and X can be obtained as follows: y = - X / 2 + 8. According to the sum of two sides is greater than that of the third side with 2Y > x, that is, 16-x > x, the solution is: X < 8, so the value range of the independent variable x is 0 < x < 8 (2)

It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16cm, and the waist is 2cm longer than the bottom. Find the length of each side of the isosceles triangle
Known isosceles triangle circumference is 16cm, waist than the bottom 2cm, find the length of each side of the isosceles triangle!

Suppose a waist length is x, then the bottom length is X-2
So perimeter: x + X + X-2 = 16
So the side length is: 6cm, 6cm, 4cm

If the circumference of isosceles triangle is 16cm and the waist is 2cm longer than the base, the waist length is______ cm.

Let the waist length be x, then the length of the bottom is X-2. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 2x + X-2 = 16, that is, 3x = 18, | x = 6, | waist length is 6

If the height of isosceles triangle is 4cm and the perimeter is 16cm, what is the area of isosceles triangle;?

Suppose: the length of the bottom edge is 2a and the height is 4, then the edge is the root (A & sup2; + 16)
So 2A + 2 radical (A & sup2; + 16) = 16
A-8 = radical (A & sup2; + 16)
Square on both sides
Area = 6 * 4 / 2 = 12

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16 cm. The height of its bottom divides it into two congruent right triangles. The length of its height is 4 cm,
Find the length of each side of this triangle?
This is the Pythagorean theorem of grade two

Let the length of the two waist lengths be y and the length of the bottom edge be x.x + 2Y = 16
If the height is 4, the Pythagorean theorem shows that the square of 16 + (x / 2) = the square of Y
The two formulas show that x = 6, y = 5

As shown in the figure, if the two waist lengths of an isosceles triangle are xcm and (2x-6) cm respectively, and the circumference is 17cm, then the length of the third side is______ cm.

According to the meaning of the question: 2x-6 = x, the solution: x = 6, then the third side is equal to 17-5-6 = 5cm

It is known that the two sides of an isosceles triangle are 12 cm and 17 cm long respectively, and its circumference is______ Cm

If the side 12 cm long is regarded as the waist of the triangle, then the side 17 cm long is regarded as the bottom of the triangle, and the circumference is 12 × 2 + 17 = 41 (CM); if the side 12 cm long is regarded as the bottom of the triangle, then the side 17 cm long is regarded as the waist of the triangle, and the circumference is 17 × 2 + 12 = 46 (CM). A: its circumference is 41 cm or 46 cm

The bottom edge of an isosceles triangle is 10 cm long. The middle line of a waist divides the circumference of the triangle into two parts. The difference between the two parts is 4 cm. Then the waist of the triangle

1. Waist length + waist length / 2 - (waist length / 2 + bottom edge) = 4, waist length = 14
2. Waist length / 2 + bottom - (waist length + waist length / 2) = 4, waist length = 6

There are () points on the number axis whose distance from the origin is less than 4 and representing integers, and () integers whose absolute value is less than 3

Seven, five