The greatest common factor of two numbers must be divisible by these two numbers, right Please explain why

The greatest common factor of two numbers must be divisible by these two numbers, right Please explain why

That's right
The common factor of several numbers is called the common factor of these numbers, and the largest one is called the greatest common factor of these numbers
Therefore, the greatest common factor can be divided by these numbers. Of course, the greatest common factor of two numbers can also be divided by these two numbers

The greatest common factor of all numbers divisible by 3

Cut, carve a small skill, can be divided by 3 is 3 and 1, 3 of course the biggest common factor is 3

Take any three different numbers from 1,2,3,4,5,6, so that the sum of the three numbers can be divided by 3, then there are several different ways to take them

8 species are classified according to the remainder of 3: 1,42,53,62 × 2 × 2 = 8

What is (minus three and one ninth) + (minus one and one half) - one third and one half + (minus three and two ninth)?
What is the value of (minus three and one ninth) + (minus one and one half) - one third and one half + (minus three and two ninth),

(- 3 and 1 / 9) + (- 1 and 1 / 2) - 1 / 3-1 / 2 + (- 3 and 2 / 9)
=[(- 3 and 9 / 1) + (- 3 and 9 / 2)] - 1 / 3 + [(- 1 and 2 / 1) - 1 / 2]
=-6 and 1 / 3-1 / 3 + (- 2)
=-6 and 2 / 3 + (- 2)
=-8 and 2 / 3

One and half times of 9.6 is 1.4 more than 65% of a certain number. Find this number

Let this number be X
6 × 1 and 1 / 2-65% x = 1.4

(minus 16 and 3 / 4) minus (minus 10 and 1 / 4) minus (plus 1 / 2)


Minus one and half / three quarters (- 0.2) × one and three quarters / 1.4 × (minus three fifths)

Minus one and half / three quarters (- 0.2) × one and three quarters / 1.4 × (minus three fifths)

- 3 / 4 * (- 1 / 2) / (- 2 / 4) 8 + (- 1 / 4) - 5 - (0.25)
The second power of 0-3 / [(- 2) to the third power - (- 4)] (- 2) * 4-0.25 * (- 5) * 4 (- 2) * 5 - (13) (5 / 6 + 4 / 7 - 2 / 3 - 5 / 14) / (- 1 / 42) - 4 / (- 2 to the second power) + 1
It's a process

- 3 / 4 * (- 1 / 2) / (- 2 / 4) = 3 / 4 * 3 / 2 △ (- 9 / 4) = - 9 / 8 × 4 / 9 = - 1 / 2 8 + (- 1 / 2) - 5 - (0.25) = 8-5 - (0.25 + 0.25) = 3-0.5 = 2.50-3 quadratic / [- 4] = - 9 △ [- 8 + 4] = - 9 ^ (- 4) = 2

Father two and three quarters minus one and half

It's four and a quarter
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What does three fourths multiplied by sixteen mean
Fifth grade summer park in the first semester of the problem, will help answer. Thank you

What does three fourths multiply by sixteen mean sixteen three fourths plus