If there is an integer greater than l, divide it by 300, 262 and 205 to get the same remainder

If there is an integer greater than l, divide it by 300, 262 and 205 to get the same remainder

Divide the number by 300 and 262 to get the same remainder, so divide the number by 300-262 = 38. Similarly, divide the number by 262-205 = 57, so it is the common divisor 19 of 38 and 57

The sum of several continuous natural numbers, what is the smallest one?

Divide 1994 by the number of natural numbers to get the average of these natural numbers. For the average of N consecutive natural numbers, if n is odd, then the average is equal to the number in the middle; if n is even, then it is equal to the average of the two numbers in the middle (lower decimal + 0.5, larger number - 0.5)

1) The sum of the numbers of the natural number n is 1994, so when the value of n is the smallest, it is______ The number of digits, the number of digits__________

The sum of the numbers of the natural number n is 1994, so when the value of n is the smallest, it is_ 222_ The number of digits, the number of digits___ 9____

If the quotient of two rational numbers is negative, then the two rational numbers ()
A. All negative numbers B. all positive numbers C. one positive number and one negative number D. one zero

According to the division rule, if two rational numbers are divided and their quotient is negative, then the two rational numbers must have different signs

If the quotient of two rational numbers is negative, then the two rational numbers must ()
A. All positive numbers B. all negative numbers C. same sign D. different sign

The quotient of two rational numbers is negative. The two rational numbers must have different sign, that is, different sign

The number represented by - x must be a negative number B non positive number C non negative number d rational number

D rational number

If the quotient of two rational numbers is negative, then the two numbers ()

If the quotient of two rational numbers is negative, then the two numbers (different sign)

If a is greater than 0, compare a with 1 / 2 of A

When 0

It is known that a and B are rational numbers, and A. B is less than zero. Try to compare the size of | a + B |, | A-B |, | a | + | B |, | a | - | B |

a. B is less than 0
So | a + B | = | a | + | B|
So | a | + | B | = | a + B | > | A-B | ≥ | a | - | B|

It is known that a and B are rational numbers, and B0, then the largest number of a, B, a + B is ()

A + b > 0, so a > - b > 0 > B
So a > A + b > b, the largest number among them is a