1 yuan equals 10 Jiao, 1 jiao equals 10 Fen, 10 Fen multiplied by 10 Fen = 1 yuan, so 1 jiao multiplied by 1 jiao = 1 yuan. Why? Thank you

1 yuan equals 10 Jiao, 1 jiao equals 10 Fen, 10 Fen multiplied by 10 Fen = 1 yuan, so 1 jiao multiplied by 1 jiao = 1 yuan. Why? Thank you

It should be: 10 * 10 = 100 (points), 100 points is equal to 1 yuan. 1 jiao = 10 points. It's also 10 points multiplied by 10 points. So it's equal to 1 yuan I understand it like this. I don't know if it is!

A dollar is a dime. 1 yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen = 10 Fen x 10 Fen = 1 jiao x 1 jiao = 10 Fen

100 = 10 x 10
There is a question here. Is the fraction on your right multiplied by two fractions or fractions? The equation doesn't hold
100 points = 10x10 points is correct, here means that 10 10 cents add up to 100 cents
Have you ever studied physics?
Similar examples:
Distance = time x speed
Distance (M / s) time (s / s) speed (M / S / s)
Then it is obvious that M = MX (M / s) is the unit
Is that understandable?

Because 1 yuan = 100 points = 1 jiao × 1 jiao = 0.1 yuan × 0.1 yuan = 0.01 yuan = 1 Fen, what's wrong

100 points = 10 points * 10 points is wrong at the beginning 100 points = 10 points * 10 points

Why argument: 1 yuan = 1 point proof: ∵ 1 yuan = 100 points ∵ 1 yuan = 10 points × 10 points = 1 angle
Argument: 1 yuan = 1 point
Proof: ∵ 1 yuan = 100 points
1 yuan = 10 points × 10 points
= 1 angle × 1 angle
= 0.1 yuan × 0.1 yuan
= 0.01 yuan
= 1 point
Is it swollen?

1000kg × 1000kg = 1000000kg = 1000t, 1000kg = 1t, 1T × 1t = 1t, then 1000kg = 1t? Because there is no unit in the product. OK?

70 grams is 15 yuan. How much is 500 grams

15÷70*500= 107.14285714286

How much is 15 dollars?

Sometimes when shopping, the boss says how to add a few points? I think so. If the price is 10 yuan plus 5 points, is it equal to 15 yuan?

If you don't issue an invoice, you don't have to worry about the number of points. If you issue an invoice, you have to increase the tax point. Generally, the tax point is 3%, which is 100 yuan higher than that of the owner. Then, you have to give the owner 100 + 100 * 3% = 103 yuan

The price of an electrical appliance is 135 yuan, which is 15 yuan lower than the original price. How much lower?

15 (135 + 15), = 15 (150), = 0.1, = 10%. A: reduced by 10%

What is 29 out of 2-15?

One in 15

What idiom is 15 points equal to 1000 yuan

15 minutes is a quarter of an hour, 1000 yuan is a thousand gold, so this idiom is "a quarter of a thousand gold"