How many centimeters is 5'2?!

How many centimeters is 5'2?!

About 173.2cm
Three feet is one meter
One foot is 33.3333... Cm
5.2 feet * 33.3cm equals 173.16cm
This is the current ruler algorithm
In ancient times, the length of ruler was different from that of today
The ancient saying that Zhang Fei is 8 feet tall is different from today's, not that Zhang Fei is 2.67 meters tall
If it's modern, that's 173.16. If it's ancient, please add it to me

How many centimeters is a two inch photo equal to

One inch is 3.5x2.3cm
The two inch one is 5x3.5cm
4-inch is 12.7x8.9cm

3. How can 5, 8, 8 be equal to 24


How many minutes does 1 / 8 degree equal? How many seconds does it equal?

It's time. Time is sextant
(1 / 8) * 60 = 7.5 minutes = (1 / 8) * 60 * 60 = 450 seconds

How many minutes is five
Expressed in fractions -- example: five fifths

5:00 is 300 minutes out of 5

How many seconds is 2.5 minutes
1.2 hours = () hours () minutes
3 tons 80 kg = () tons

2.5 * 60 = 150 seconds
1.2 hours = (1) hours (12) minutes
3 tons 80 kg = (3.08) tons

How do 4 and 8 equal 80? What do 5 and 9 equal?

Square of 4 + square of 8

What is (12 × 5% + 8) / 8 equal to


How to make 5 (x-6.8) equal to 12
Equations to be listed


How many meters and centimeters is 8 meters and 7 centimeters?

8 M 7 cm