Is the chapter gravity and space easy to learn?

Is the chapter gravity and space easy to learn?

It's not easy to learn at first. Later, it's basically to memorize the formula, and then it's to calculate with letters

Find all the formulas of gravitation and spaceflight in Chapter 6 of high school physics
The more complete, the better. Thank you

Linear velocity V, angular velocity W, circular radius r, period T, gravitational constant G, mass star m and m, m star radius r, have
The gold substitution formula: GM = GR & # 178;, G is the acceleration of gravity on the surface of M, R is the radius of the star M,
The gravitational potential energy EP = GMM / R
It's enough to know the above formula,

For: People's education press, compulsory 2 (2) gravitation and space and (3) law of conservation of mechanical energy

I can't find this one. If there are any problems that I can help you solve, I still need to study hard. Don't take advantage of them