Please design an experiment to measure the speed of sound in water, Please design an experiment to measure the speed of sound in water. The requirements are: 1. Write down the method; 2. The known conditions to be known in advance in the experiment and the quantity to be measured in the experiment are expressed in letters; 3. The speed of sound in water is expressed in a formula

Please design an experiment to measure the speed of sound in water, Please design an experiment to measure the speed of sound in water. The requirements are: 1. Write down the method; 2. The known conditions to be known in advance in the experiment and the quantity to be measured in the experiment are expressed in letters; 3. The speed of sound in water is expressed in a formula

Find an m-meter-long hollow iron pipe and fill it with water. One person stands on one end of the pipe and taps the pipe with a watch. The other person sticks his ear to the pipe and takes a watch to count the time. (the time of the two people's watches must be the same). At the appointed time, the listener presses the watch (he should press it again when he hears the second sound, because iron travels faster than water)

Find the velocity of sound in water
The distance between the two ships is 14km. One person on one ship rings a bell in the water and ignites the gunpowder to make it glow. The experimenter on the other ship hears the bell in the water 10 seconds after seeing the gunpowder glow, which is to calculate the sound speed in the water

The sound velocity in water v = s / T = 14km / 10s = 1.4km/s

Why is the speed of light slower and sound faster in a medium with higher density and closer arrangement

As we all know, light is also a kind of electromagnetic wave. It is the fastest in vacuum and does not need medium. Of course, quite a few people now think that ether is dark matter, which is the medium of light
When the light passes through the substance with light transmission, it will inevitably produce refraction, such as shooting at the electron, then the electron is excited, at the same time release energy, light direction change, etc. when passing through the gap between atoms, various phenomena will also occur, but here is to explain the problem of light transmission, not to discuss these problems
In fact, the speed of photons is still the speed of light when they come into contact with no matter in a very short distance. It is only affected by the atoms and electrons in the medium, the time consumption in the process of excitation and release, and the increase of the total distance of light running in practice, which are the main reasons for affecting the speed of photons in the medium
Here's the speed of sound
In fact, the propagation of sound speed depends on the medium. Sound, like water wave, is a kind of wave and must depend on matter
Therefore, the transmission speed of sound is determined by the density of matter and the vibration speed of molecules
It doesn't mean that the higher the density of all media, the faster the sound speed in the more closely arranged media. For example, in gas, on the contrary, the speed of sound transmission in hydrogen is certainly faster than that in nitrogen, because the speed of hydrogen is faster than that of nitrogen, and the speed of gas movement is inversely proportional to the molecular weight
Of course, in solids, the opposite is true. Generally speaking, the higher the vibration speed of atoms and molecules in a tightly packed lattice, the faster the transmission speed of atoms and molecules with higher density. This is general, not absolute
The transmission of sound depends on the vibration and collision of medium atoms or molecules

The relationship between light speed and medium density
Easy to understand
Can you give me a formula?

I don't know why. Anyway, scientists have measured that the speed of light in medium is less than that in vacuum In 1850, fizzo measured the speed of light in water by gear method

What is the relationship between sound speed and air pressure and air density
Any expressions? What

The propagation of sound waves in the medium is affected by the density of the medium. Specifically, when sound propagates in the air, the amplitude of sound waves will change due to the different density of the air, the different temperature and the different density of the air. This is why people speak less in winter than in summer

Why is the speed of sound affected by air temperature and density

The propagation of sound waves in the medium is affected by the density of the medium. Specifically, when sound propagates in the air, the amplitude of sound waves will change due to the different density of the air, the different temperature and the different density of the air. This is why people speak less in winter than in summer

Is the speed of sound related to the density of the object

The speed of sound is determined by the properties of the medium. This property does not only refer to the density. It mainly refers to the composition of the medium

Air temperature affects air density. When air temperature is high and air density is low, the speed of sound is high, so the speed of sound is low
Read the passage about sound transmission and temperature,
The air temperature affects the air density. If the air temperature is high and the air density is low, the speed of sound is high, so the speed of sound is related to the air temperature. Therefore, the sound does not necessarily propagate along a straight line. At noon on a sunny day, the surface temperature rises rapidly, and the temperature near the surface is higher than that of the upper layer. The sound propagates faster near the surface than that of the upper layer, so the sound from the ground source turns upward when it propagates around
1. In the desert or Gobi desert, it is difficult for people not too far away to hear each other's shouting. One of the main reasons is that the sound turns to () (fill in or down) when it spreads
2. "Hanshan Temple outside the city of Gusu, the bell goes to the passenger ship in the middle of the night" says: in the cold night, the bell of Hanshan Temple outside the city of Gusu turns to (fill in or down) and spreads to the maple bridge several miles away
A: the alarm bell in the clock cover is ringing. After the air in the clock cover is pumped out, the bell will weaken obviously;
B: make the tuning fork that is pronouncing touch the water surface, and the water surface splashes with water;
C: when you play flute, you can make different sounds by pressing different holes with your hand;
D: fix a small pen on the hanging big clock. After the bell rings, let the paper pass quickly on the pen. You can draw a thin line that bends back and forth on the paper
What experimental phenomena do you think can explain the conditions of sound production?
What do other phenomena show
The high pitched and bright flute sound is mainly composed of
A the sound of bamboo pipe vibration
B the sound of human vocal cord vibration
The sound of human C's mouth vibration
D the sound produced by the vibration of the air column in the bamboo tube

In the desert or Gobi desert, it's hard for people who are not far away to hear each other's shouting. One of the main reasons is that the sound turns up (up or down) when it spreads. 2

Variation of sound velocity with temperature
What is the change of sound speed in different temperatures? Under the same dry humidity, how much will the sound speed increase when the temperature rises by 1 ℃? What is the reason or basis?

At 15 ℃, the speed of sound is 340 / s. if the air temperature is low, the speed of sound will be low. On the contrary, if the air temperature is high, the speed of sound will be high. The sound likes to go where the temperature is low. Therefore, the sound does not spread in a straight line in the air, but rises in a curve

What is the quantitative relationship between sound speed and air temperature?

The square of sound velocity C ^ 2 = k * r * t
For air, k = 1.4, r = 287.06 (J / kg / k), temperature T is K