The number of a is 445, which is 40 times more than the number of B. what is the number of B? Nine times of a number minus four and then divided by five, the quotient is 10

The number of a is 445, which is 40 times more than the number of B. what is the number of B? Nine times of a number minus four and then divided by five, the quotient is 10

Let B be X
Let this number be X

What is the quotient of 4 / 5 of 4.5 minus 1.5 and dividing the difference by 2.1
One fifth of a number is 60 more than one sixth. What's the number?

It is (4.5 × 4 / 5-1.5) △ 2.1

The difference between number a and number B is 1.4. The quotient of number a divided by number B is also 1.4. What is the sum of number a and number B
Just list the arithmetic!

The second number is: 1.4 (1.4-1) = 3.5
The number of a is 3.5 + 1.4 = 4.9
Sum of two numbers: 4.9 + 3.5 = 8.4