There are two numbers a and B. the difference between a and B is equal to 6. The quotient of a divided by B is also equal to 6

There are two numbers a and B. the difference between a and B is equal to 6. The quotient of a divided by B is also equal to 6

B = 6 △ 6-1 = 1.2
A = 1.2 + 6 = 7.2

If the number a is divided by the number B, the quotient is 13. If the number a is increased by 7, the quotient is 25, then the number a is 25______ .

Number b = 7 ^ (25 − 13), = 7 ^ 115, = 105; number a = 105 × 13, = 35; answer: number a is 35

How to calculate the quotient of 86 minus 72 divided by 9
