Divide four digits by two digits and divide 50 channels

Divide four digits by two digits and divide 50 channels

1000/25 1000/40 1000/50 5000/50 7000/35 8200/20 1230/30 2500/50 3000/60 3000/50 4600/23 9300/31 6900/23 9000/45 4560...

Are all numbers divisible by 2 even?
2 is even. Is the number divisible by 2 even?


Every natural number is either odd or even. A natural number is even if and only if it can be divisible by 2. Not all natural numbers can be divisible by 2
Therefore, some natural numbers are odd. Symbolize this proposition and prove its conclusion

Because it can't take and exist, we use Π and Σ to denote full quantifier and existential quantifier respectively. Right and wrong, ∩∪ is logical intersection, not set intersection and union. E (x): X is even number, O (x): X is odd number, f (x): X can be divided by 2. Domain: all natural number conditions are: Π x (E (x) ∩ o (x)), Πx (E (x) f (x))