SOS, known a four digit, thousands, hundreds, tens, and is the complete square of a natural number! Please use C + + program to calculate the number! (in fact, 7744!)

SOS, known a four digit, thousands, hundreds, tens, and is the complete square of a natural number! Please use C + + program to calculate the number! (in fact, 7744!)

using namespace std;
int main()
int q,s; int num;

In natural numbers with a single digit of 2, there are______ A square number

Look at the digit 1 × 1, digit 12 × 2, digit 43 × 3, digit 94 × 4, digit 65 × 5, 56 × 6, digit 67 × 7, digit 98 × 8, digit 49 × 9, digit 10 × 0, and digit 0. Therefore, the digit of a square number cannot be 2, and there are 0 squares in the natural number of digit 2, so the answer is: 0

If a four digit number XXYY is exactly equal to the sum of two identical natural numbers, then the four digit number is------

Let XXYY = m × M = M & sup2;
11 is prime, obviously m is a multiple of 11
Put 11, 22, 33 99 squared, and 88 & sup2; = 7744
Both numbers are 88