A is a natural number greater than 0. The largest number in the following formula is () A is a natural number greater than 0. The largest number in the following formula is () A.A divided by four fifths B.A multiplied by four fifths C.A divided by one and four fifths

A is a natural number greater than 0. The largest number in the following formula is () A is a natural number greater than 0. The largest number in the following formula is () A.A divided by four fifths B.A multiplied by four fifths C.A divided by one and four fifths


If a is a natural number greater than 0, then the maximum number in the following formula is
a: A times 9 / 10 B: a divided by 9 / 10 C: 9 / 10 divided by a

The maximum of the following is B: a divided by 9 / 10

It is known that a is a natural number which is not equal to 0. The largest number in the following formula is ()
A.a*(11/7) B.a/(11/7) C.a*(4/7) D.a/(4/7)

Because a is a natural number that is not equal to 0, so
So the biggest one is d