One half, six seventh, two-thirds of these three numbers to compare again, please

One half, six seventh, two-thirds of these three numbers to compare again, please

1/2=21/42 6/7=36/42 2/3=28/42

Three quarters, one and six and two and seven and eight

First, the abbreviations of 3 / 4, 11 / 6 and 22 / 7 are changed into 3 / 4, 11 / 6 and 22 / 7 respectively, then the denominator is changed into 4 * 6 * 7 = 168, and finally 136 / 168308 / 168528 / 168 is obtained

How to divide the score
5 / 7 and 2 / 1, 3 / 8 and 3 / 4, 3 / 16 and 12 / 7, 4 / 9 and 7 / 18, 1 / 5, 2 / 7 and 3 / 8
Red balloon accounts for 3 / 8, yellow balloon accounts for 2 / 5, blue balloon accounts for 2 / 7, which kind of balloon accounts for the most
Eggplant accounted for 7 / 20, tomatoes accounted for 1 / 4, the remaining Chinese cabbage, cabbage accounted for a few? Which vegetable accounted for the largest?
Add 20 to all the answers
5 / 7 and 2 / 13 / 16 and 12 / 7 should be 5 / 7 and 1 / 23 / 16 and 7 / 12

In fact, it is to find out the least common multiple of denominator
For example: 5 / 7 and 1 / 2, 7 and 2 are denominators respectively, and the least common multiple of 7 and 2 is 2 × 7 = 14, 5 / 7 numerator denominator is multiplied by 2 to get 10 / 14, while 1 / 2 numerator denominator is multiplied by 7 to get 7 / 14, OK!
The rest tells you that if you practice by yourself, you will gain a lot, and you will be able to understand mathematics well
The least common multiple of 3 / 8 and 3 / 4 is 8
3 / 16 and 12 / 7 least common multiple 16 × 7
4 / 9 and 7 / 18 least common multiple 18
The least common multiple of 1 / 5, 2 / 7 and 3 / 8 is 7 × 8 × 5