Quarter and three eighths

Quarter and three eighths

Multiply the denominator by two to get two eighths. Add three eighths to get five eighths

How to do root 2004 times 2005 times 2006 times 2007 + 1?
Detailed explanation

Let a = 2005, B = 2006, first calculate the things in the root sign (A-1) AB (B + 1) + 1 and multiply them one by one to get AABB + (aab-abb) - AB + 1. Because a = B-1, the things in the root sign aab-abb equal to - AB become aabb-ab-ab + 1, that is, the factorization of AB * ab-2ab + 1 gets (AB-1) * (AB-1) squared, and the result is AB-1 2

1 by 1 / 2 + 2 by 1 / 3 + 3 by 1 / 4 +. 2004 by 1 / 2005 = how much?

Original formula = 1 / 2 + 1 / 3 - 1/2004 +1/2004 - 1/2005 = 1 - 1/2005 = 2004/2005