A natural number plus 1 is a multiple of A natural number, plus 1, is a multiple of 2 Plus one is a multiple of three Plus one is a multiple of four Plus one is a multiple of five Plus one is a multiple of six Plus one is a multiple of seven What's the number?

A natural number plus 1 is a multiple of A natural number, plus 1, is a multiple of 2 Plus one is a multiple of three Plus one is a multiple of four Plus one is a multiple of five Plus one is a multiple of six Plus one is a multiple of seven What's the number?

Do you mean that adding 1 is a multiple of 2, then adding 1 is a multiple of 3, and then adding 1 is a multiple of 4? If so, let the multiples be a, B, C, D, e, f respectively, and let this number be m equation system m = 2a-1 = 3b-2 = 4c-3 = 5d-4 = 6e-5 = 7f-6. From M = 5d-4, we can get that the number of single digits of M must be 1 or 6, if each number of M is 6