General solution of differential equation y '- 2XY = 0

General solution of differential equation y '- 2XY = 0


The value range of several primary function questions
1. There are 400 boxes of chalk in the warehouse. If 36 boxes are taken out every week, find the functional relationship between the number of remaining chalk boxes Q and the number of weeks t in the warehouse
Q = - 36t + 400 (descending order) and then the value range: the teacher's explanation is (1 ≤ t ≤ 12 positive integer); the explanation of the complete solution of the middle school textbook is (0 ≤ t ≤ 11 and t is an integer); the online question answering is also (0 ≤ t ≤ 11 and is an integer) or (0 ≤ t ≤ 100 / 9)
Find the correct value range
2. On this year's tree planting day, the height of the saplings planted by the students is about 1.80 meters. According to the introduction, the average height of the saplings is 0.35 meters per year in 10 years. Find the functional relationship between the tree height (meters) and the number of years, and calculate the height of these trees after 4 years
Let the height of the tree be h meters after n years, according to the meaning of the question: H = 0.35n + 1.80, the value range taught by the teacher is (1 ≤ n ≤ 10 integers); the value range of the complete solution of the middle school textbook is (n is not more than 10 positive integers); the value range on the Internet is (0 ≤ x ≤ 10 integers); the correct value range is?
3. Xiao Xu's father has saved a share of educational savings for him. He deposits 10000 yuan for the first time, and then 500 yuan every month until 30000 yuan is saved. He seeks the growth rule of the number of deposits. Can he deposit the full amount in a few months?
Let the number of deposits after x months be y yuan
Y = 500X + 10000 teacher's value range is like this (1 ≤ x ≤ 40 integers) online is (0 ≤ x ≤ 40 integers) middle school teaching material full solution is (1 ≤ x ≤ 40 integers) that correct? How to find out the value range?

1. I think that 0 ≤ t ≤ 11 integer; first, you can take 0, because at the beginning when there is no claim, it belongs to t = 0, at this time there are 400 boxes; in addition, there are still four boxes left after 11 claim times; it is not enough to claim once! So it should be t ≤ 11. Third, because t is equivalent to the number of claim times, it is an integer, so 0 ≤ t ≤ 100 / 9 is wrong

If the sum of the first n parts of the series ∑ UN is Sn = 2n / (n + 1), then UN=_______ Online, etc

When n ≥ 2, UN = sn-sn-1 = 2n / (n + 1) - 2 (n-1) / N = 2 / (n & # 178; + n)

A function problem a function y = MX-3, when x

Y decreases with the increase of X
So the coefficient of X is less than 0

If both ∑ an and ∑ BN converge and an

Because of 0

If u = 3t / T ^ 2 + T + 1 (t is less than 0), the value range of u is a less than 0, b less than 3, C greater than or equal to - 3 less than 0

Divide up and down by T
Let a = - t > 0
Then a + 1 / a > = 2 √ (a * 1 / a) = 2
So (- a) + (1 / - a)

If the series ∑ (n = 1, ∞) UN converges, then the convergence and divergence of the series ∑ (n = 1, ∞) UN + 10 are positive
The answer is convergence, but I think it is divergence. Is there any theorem to judge this?

The general term [(DR)] is divergent if the limit is not zero

We know the first-order function y = 2x-6,1. When y takes what value, y > 0? Y = 0? Y < 0? 2. When - 1 < x < 2, we find the value range of Y

Are you sure you are the first to ask what value y is? When y is greater than 0, y is greater than 0
If it's x, there are other questions
1. Y = 2x-6, Y > 0 means 2x-6 > 0 means 2x > 6, so when x > 3, Y > 0
Similarly, when x = 3, y = 0
Similarly, X

It is known that the limit of the sequence UN = 4-1 / 10 * n is 4. For ε = 1 / 101, when n > N, there is always | un-4|

From inequality | un-4|

Given the function y = - 2x-6, if the value range of Y is - a "Y" 2, find the value range of X
If the value range of Y is - 4 "Y" 2, find the value range of X

That is - a-2x-6-2
Divide the two sides by - 2 and change the direction of the inequality sign
Namely - 4 "x (a-6) / 2