A natural number can be decomposed into the product of three prime factors. If the sum of the squares of the three prime factors is 1710, how to find the natural number?

A natural number can be decomposed into the product of three prime factors. If the sum of the squares of the three prime factors is 1710, how to find the natural number?

If the sum of squares is 1710, that is, it is impossible to add three odd numbers, then it must be even + odd + odd, or 4 + odd + odd, then the sum of squares of two odd numbers = 1710 - 4 = 1706. The mantissa of the squares of odd prime numbers can only be 1, 5 and 9. Therefore, the mantissa of the squares of two odd prime numbers must be 1 and 5 respectively

1. () + 5 × () = 2.4, find () =?


Equation 2Y & # 178; + 3 = 7Y, then 2 (Y-7 / 4) &# 178=____ .

Because 2Y & # 178; + 3 = 7Y, 2Y & # 178; - 7Y = - 3=
2(y-7/4)²=2(y²-7y/2+49/16)=2y²-7y +49/8