Is there at least one prime number in 20 consecutive natural numbers right Don't forget to say the reason

Is there at least one prime number in 20 consecutive natural numbers right Don't forget to say the reason

This is wrong
Let 21! = 1 * 2 * 3 *... * 20 * 21, then 20 consecutive natural numbers 21! + 2,21! + 3,... 21! + 21 are not prime numbers: for example, 21! + 3 = 3 * (1 * 2 * 4 * 5 *... * 21) + 3 = 3 * (1 * 2 * 4 * 5 *... * 21 + 1). The same method can prove that for any n, all consecutive n natural numbers are not prime numbers

What is the difference between even numbers that are not prime numbers in natural numbers 1 to 20

In natural numbers 1 to 20, even numbers that are not prime numbers are 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20

If n is a natural number, N + 3 and N + 7 are prime numbers, find the remainder of N divided by 3

If the remainder is 0, that is, n = 3K (k is a non negative integer, the same below), then n + 3 = 3K + 3 = 3 (K + 1), so 3|n + 3 and 3 ≠ n + 3, so n + 3 is not a prime number, which is in contradiction with the proposition. ② if the remainder is 2, and N = 3K + 2, then n + 7 = 3K + 2 + 7 = 3 (K + 3), so 3|n + 7 and N + 7 are not prime numbers, which is in contradiction with the proposition The number can only be 1