Natural number a divided by natural number B, the quotient is 10, then the greatest common divisor of a and B is? (multiple choice question) A、a B、b C、10

Natural number a divided by natural number B, the quotient is 10, then the greatest common divisor of a and B is? (multiple choice question) A、a B、b C、10


Fill in the blanks: all are natural numbers. If a of B = 10, the greatest common divisor is () and the least common multiple is (). The common divisor of all natural numbers is ()
If M and N are coprime numbers, then their greatest common divisor is (), and their least common multiple is (). Among the four numbers 4, 9, 10 and 16, () and () are coprime numbers, () and () are coprime numbers, () and () are coprime numbers. If you divide 15 and 30 by a number, you can exactly divide them. The maximum of this number is (). The sum of two continuous natural numbers is 21, and the greatest common divisor of these two numbers is (), The least common multiple is (). The sum of two adjacent odd numbers is 16, and their greatest common divisor is (). The least common multiple is (). A number divided by 3, 5 and 7 is all 1, and the minimum number is ()


If the sum of two natural numbers is 50 and their greatest common factor is 5, then the difference between the two numbers is ()
A. 45B. 35C. 25d. 40 or 20

When the two numbers are 5 and 45 respectively, the greatest common factor is 5, in line with the meaning of the question, the difference is 45-5 = 40; when the two numbers are 35 and 15 respectively, the greatest common factor is 5, in line with the meaning of the question, the difference is 35-15 = 20; when the two numbers are 35 and 15 respectively, the greatest common factor is 5, in line with the meaning of the question, the difference is 35-15 = 20 If it is 25 and 255, the greatest common factor is 25