The product of two natural numbers is 5766, and their greatest common divisor is 31. How to find these two natural numbers? (any method is OK, process is needed!)

The product of two natural numbers is 5766, and their greatest common divisor is 31. How to find these two natural numbers? (any method is OK, process is needed!)

These two numbers are 62 and 93 or 31 and 186

If the product of two natural numbers is 5766 and their greatest common divisor is 31, then the two natural numbers are ()
A. 31 and 186b. 62 or 93C. 31 and 186 & nbsp; or 62 & nbsp; and 93D. 124 & nbsp; and 93

Decompose 5766 into prime factors: 5766 = 2 × 3 × 31 × 31, where 31 × 2 = 62, 31 × 3 = 93, 31 × 2 × 3 = 186; it is known that their greatest common factor is 31, so these two natural numbers may be 31 and 186, or 62 and 93. So the answer is: 31 and 186; or 62 and 93

It is known that the product of two natural numbers is 5766 and their greatest common factor is 31?

One number is 31a
The other number is 31b
a=2 b=3
a=1 b=6
These two numbers are 31186
Or 62 93