The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 45. What are the three natural numbers?

The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 45. What are the three natural numbers?

14 15 16

Write 2006 as the sum of n (n ≥ 3) continuous natural numbers. Please write two expressions: no 500501502503, no 5 +. + 63
Thank you so much for these little students

Except for the two you mentioned, this seems to be the only one

Randomly take out 2006 consecutive natural numbers, their sum is odd or even? Please explain the reason
I'm going to class at 3:50,

Odd number! Because 2006 are continuous natural numbers, there are 1003 odd numbers and 1003 even numbers in 2006, 1003 even numbers are even numbers, 1003 odd numbers are odd numbers, even numbers plus odd numbers are odd numbers, so the sum of 2006 continuous natural numbers is odd numbers! Do you understand