Two adjacent natural numbers must be coprime numbers______ (judge right or wrong)

Two adjacent natural numbers must be coprime numbers______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the meaning of Coprime number, two numbers with only 1 common factor are called coprime numbers. Because 0 and 1 have no common factor, 0 and 1 are not coprime numbers. Therefore, two adjacent natural numbers must be coprime numbers. This statement is wrong. So the answer is wrong

Is the proposition that two adjacent natural numbers are coprime numbers correct
This is an examination question. Please help me a lot,
"Nine - year compulsory education five - year primary school mathematics" book, 0 does not talk about approximate multiples

This conclusion is undoubtedly correct when 0 is not a natural number. Now 0 is also a natural number. We only need to study whether the two adjacent natural numbers "0 and 1" are prime numbers or not. According to the definition of Coprime numbers in volume 10 of Mathematics for six-year primary school in nine-year compulsory education: "two numbers with a common divisor of 1 are called

Two adjacent natural numbers (except 0) must be coprime numbers

Two adjacent natural numbers are coprime numbers, such as 5 and 6, 6 and 7, 8 and 9
1 and other natural numbers are coprime numbers, such as 1 and 3, 1 and 8, 1 and 15
Two different prime numbers are coprime numbers, such as 2 and 5, 3 and 7, 19 and 23

If a is used to represent a natural number, then the two natural numbers adjacent to a are______ And______ .

A is a natural number, and the two natural numbers adjacent to a are A-1 and a + 1, so the answer is: A-1, a + 1